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Mrs. Cheyenne Smith To All Instructors

Growing up in a Pastor’s home, I came to a saving knowledge of Christ at a young age. It has been with amazement and awe that I have seen Him work directly in my life to bring me to where I am today. I attended both Cedarville and Cornerstone Universities and graduated with a degree in Secondary English Education and Speech Communications. I have taught in both a Christian and Public High School, but after having my first child I decided to stay home and ‘teach’ my own children. I have worked within the Homeschool Community for the last ten years tutoring students, teaching Literature/Writing Classes and teaching Choreography for the Homeschool Performing Arts (HPA) program.

Current Classes
Interpretive Speech 2nd semester – Instructor (open)
English I – Instructor (open)
English II – Instructor (open)
Speech 1st Semester – Instructor (open)
American Literature – Instructor (open)
Interpretive Speech 2nd semester – Instructor (open)