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Mrs. Braelynn Hoff To All Instructors

As a PTC alumnus, I am very excited to join PTC once again, but now as an educator! I was homeschooled through my entire education until graduating high school in 2017, participating in the PTC graduation ceremony that year. God has given me a great passion for art, and while this will be my first art teaching expirience, I have been a practicing artist for 9 years, gaining my Associates of Arts at Grand Rapids Community College in 2021, and working on many projects from public art in downtown Grand Rapids, private mural commissions, participating in Art Prize 2022, and much more. I am so excited to share the love of creativity God has given to me with the students who may come into my class room, and I look forward to encouraging them to explore the artistic gifts given to them by their Creator.

Current Classes
5th-8th Intermediate Art – Instructor (open)
1st - 4th Art – (open)
Art & Design - 8th-12th – (open)
Drawing 8th-12th – (open)