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Graduation Sign Up

indicates a required answer

PTC Graduation Requirements

PTC offers a graduation ceremony for students who have completed their high school requirements.

  1. Must have been home schooled for at least one year and a student at PTC currently or in the past.
  2. Must submit a transcript of classes and grades for the high school grades. Graduates should have completed the basic requirements for college entrance and completed 20 credits.
    Basic requirements for most colleges are: 4 years of English, 3 years of science, 3 years of social studies including government, 4 years of math (one must be during the last year of high school), 1 year of physical education, 1 year of computer and 1 year of either applied, performing or visual art, 2 years of foriegn language 
  3. Michigan Merit requirements are 18 credits, including: 4 yrs English, 3 yrs science, 4 yrs math 1 yr physical education with health, online experience, 3 yrs social studies to include government, 1 yr performing arts,  2 credits of the same foreign language OR 1 credit of foreign language and 1 additional visual/performing/applied arts credit
  4. Must complete the graduation paperwork available online by the November meeting.
  5. Parent and student must attend graduation meetings and rehearsal.
  6. The cost of graduation will be covered by the graduates’ families.
  7. Must register for graduation by February meeting.

Please complete and submit the form below.


November 14th — first graduation meeting 3:45 pm at Banner of Christ Church. Graduation information must be filled out before this meeting. You will order caps and gowns at this meeting. ($64 for cap, gown, diploma and tassel, $36 for just diploma and tassel. You will also be paying for the ceremony costs of $60/student at this time. The total cost is either $124 for entire package or $96 for mini package.
February 20th — Second meeting at 3:45 pm at Banner of Christ Church
May 8th – Graduation rehearsal  4pm at TBA
May 16th — Graduation 7 pm

Important Information

  • Every student is encouraged to be involved in the ceremony in some way.
  • Students will choose the speaker, class verse, class flower, and all music (this must be Christian music).

Graduation 2025

The cost for the ceremony is $60/family. This covers flowers, janitor, coffee, punch, speaker, sound person and other incidentals. 

Every student is encouraged to be involved in the ceremony in some way.

Students will choose the speaker, class verse, class flower, and all music (this must be Christian music).

An in-process transcript must be emailed to [email protected] before the November meeting.

The following information must be emailed to [email protected] between March 1st and March 29th:

  1. Information to be read when the diploma is presented:

Full name, son/ daughter of __________, has been home schooled for ____ years. He/she participated in ____________ during high school. He/ she has received _________________ awards. He/ she is planning on _______________ next year.

This information should be between 55 and 75 words.

  1. Information to put in the program will be very similar but more detailed: Full name, son/ daughter of __________, has been home schooled for ____ years. He/she participated in ____________ during high school. He/ she has received _________________ awards. He/ she is planning on _______________ next year.

The information should be between 90 and 120 words. This can be amended before May 10th.

  1. Email the folowing pictures to the student in charge of the power point by March 29th: one infant picture, one family picture, one senior picture, and three other pictures of the graduate for use in power point. Email a close up senior picture for use in the program to the student in charge of designing the program.
1. *

Student's Full Name as it will appear on the Graduation Diploma:

2. *

Student's Email:

3. *

Student's Phone Number:

4. *

Names of Parents (first and last names):

5. *

Parent's Email:

6. *

Parent's Phone Number:

7. *

The course of study followed? This information will be on the diploma. Examples are State of Michigan, West Michigan Home Schools or your family's school name.

8. *

Graduation gowns, diploma and tassels orders will be placed November 28th. HSLDA offers a 30% discount on this day. You may purchase a package containing a navy cap, gown, diploma and tassel ($64) or just the diploma and tassel ($36) if you are able to borrow a cap and gown.
Please check the box with your height and select the package you would like.  Please bring a check, made out to Kim Malski or cash to pay at the November meeting. You  may also use Venmo, Kim malski@kim-malski

4'9 5' - 5''2'
5'3 5'6
5'9 6'-6'2
9. *

I would like to purchase the entire package ($64)


Yes no
10. *

I would like to purchase tassel and diploma only ($36)

Yes No